Cari Blog Ini

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Star is celestial body that has its own light and consist of flaming gas. Space between one star to another star, is not empty space, but the collection of gas mixed with dust. That collection of gas and dust does not break because atoms in outer part is attracted to inside. Its attracted of outer part atom to inside is caused by the difference of gravitational force, that gravitational force of atom that is found inside is larger. As the effect of attraction of outer part atom to inside, the collection of gas and dust wrinkles and becomes dense, so temperature inside is high also that densing collection of gas and dust begin to emit light. This is forthcoming of a star called protostar.

Temperature in the center of protostar is higher, when it reaches 10 billion degree Celcius, it happens nucleate reaction where hydrogen is changed to be helium. The longer temperature in protostar increases and causes pressure, so the protostar does not wrinkle anymore, because the pressure inside is able to support the pressure of heavy outer part. If that process has happened, a new star has born.
The Occurrence of Universe

Universe is gathering place of celestial bodies that its area cannot be measured. To measure the area of universe, formerly we must measure area of each celestial body. This is not possible, because the celestial body that occupies the universe is so many like grain of the sand along the beach. The celestial bodies consists of: star, nebula, and solar system.

The happening of universe can be explained by three theories are as follows:

1. The Theory of Constant Condition

According to this theory, the universe always expands with constant velocity and formation of new materials keep going on, so in certain space is always found the equal number of materials. This theory does not know explosion to the center of universe.

2. The Big Bang Theory

According to this theory, the universe comes from horrifying explosion and galaxy will spread without limit, also that galaxy never comes back to the center of the universe.

3. Swaying Theory

According to this theory that all materials move away each other and come from the dense mass. Continuesly, that material its movement is slower then it stop and begin to crinkle again as the effect of gravitational force. Then the material will be dense and explode again. In this process there are no material that is destroyed or created, but only change in order.

The Effect of Earth’s Rotation

The Effect of Earth’s Rotation

1. It happens daylight and night.
2. It happens false revolution of celestial bodies, for example the circulation of the sun from East to west.
3. The bending of wind direction.

This corresponds with the contents of Buys Ballet’s law, that says:
1. Air moves from the maximum air pressure to region that has minimum air pressure.
2. In north hemisphere, the wind turns to the right and in south hemisphere to the left.

To be able to prove the motion of rotation is necessary done experiment. In the following are experiments that prove the presence of earth’s rotation.

1. Experiment With Falling Body

If you falls a body from a high place and the Earth does not rotate, the body will fall directly to the center point of the Earth. Because the Earth makes rotation then that body falls a little to the east from the center point of the Earth. Experiment with falling body is first time done by Benzenberg (1802).

2. Experiment by hanging Bullet in the Peak of Tower

If the Earth does not rotate, the bullet hung in the peak of tower will precisely fall in point B. Because all bodies on the Earth and its atmosphere follow to rotate, then rotational velocity at point A is larger than rotational velocity at point B. Body fallen from a point will follow rotational velocity of its origin place. So the bullet will also follow rotational velocity at point A. Meanwhile that bullet also through distance AB, tower has slided to east direction until A’. The distance of A-A’ is larger than B-B’ ,therefore bullet does not fall in B’ but in C that its location is to the east of point B’.

Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar eclipse often happens if Moon is in the position of opposition and lies in one knot so Earth’s umbra covers Moon, then it happens total lunar eclipse. On the contrary, if the moon lies around knot, so he Earth’s penumbra covers Moon, then it happens penumbra lunar eclipse.

Basically, the lunar eclipse is divided into three kinds, those are penumbra, partial and perfect lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse happens when it happens dead moon or new moon and in the position of conjunction.

There are three kinds of solar eclipse, those are as follows:
1. Total Solar Eclipse, it happens as the cause of core shadow of the moon falls to the Earth.
2. Partial Solar Eclipse, it happens if that covers Earth is only penumbra.
3. Ring Solar Eclipse, it happens if the Umbra of the Moon does not arrive to the Earth’s surface and sun appears as white ring around black ball.

The longest solar eclipse happened in 1955, it happened for 7.2 minutes that passed Sri Lanka, Thailand and Philipine.

Moon’s Aspect

Moon’s Aspect

Moon’s aspect is the position of Moon to the Sun and that can be seen there are three kinds.

1. conjunction that is the position of Moon in parallel to the Sun and lies between Earth and the Sun. In that position Moon’s surface that faces to Earth does not get light (dark), in certain condition will happen new moon or dead moon and it can also happen lunar eclipse.

2. Opposition is the position of the Moon in opposite to the Sun, if it seen from Earth, tat time the Moon appears as full moon. In certain condition it can happen lunar eclipse.

3. First quarter is Moon occupies position perpendicular to connector line of the Earth and Sun. This aspect of first quarter causes bright part of the moon is only a half, and the bright moon lies in the west. Second quarter is half part of the Moon that bright faces to the Earth and the half position of moon that bright lies in the east.



Satellite means follower. That is meant by the term of satellite here is celestial body that becomes follower of the planet. In this part will be discussed about natural satellite, that is satellite formed naturally, together with the formation process of the planet. Because its mass is smaller and lies in gravitational environment of certain planet, the satellite revolving the planet.

Recently, the term of satellite is used also for man-made thing that is orbited revolving our Earth. The second kind of satellite is called artificial satellite.

Almost every planet in our solar system have satellites, except Mercury. Venus and Asteroid. Our earth has one satellite called moon. Between one planet to another in our solar system has different amount. Moon’s satellite has enough influence to the life on Earth, for example has influence to large-small of sea tide.

From the result of research, Moon’s surface is not flat surface like we see from the Earth in full moon, but it has many mountains and full of craters. The condition does not mean in the Moon is many found volcanoes, but because many meteors has no atmosphere like Earth. One function of Earth’s atmosphere is protection Earth form celestial body that will fall, like meteor.



In the discussion about meteor, we know three terms:
1. Meteoroid is a dense celestial body that flies irregularly and it has no fixed orbit.
2. Meteor is a meteoroid that enters into the Earth’s atmosphere.
3. Meteorite is a meteor that enters into Earth’s atmosphere in the form of rock and some of them have been broken.

Meteor is a very small cosmic body that is usually called dust, sand or sky grit. If those bodies if pass to close to the Earth and enter to the Earth’s atmospheric layer, it will rub against with the air layer so that body will be hot and burnt. Burning commonly does not happen for long time because the material of the cosmic body is not large. That’s why the light of meteor immediately turns off.

Although commonly the meteor has small size, but some meteors are large enough that are not burn at all during passing through the air and some part can reach the Earth. Some meteors have very large size called giant meteor such as one that fell in Siberia, United States, Russia, and in Arizona.

The kind of Meteoric stone (Meteorite):
1. Stony meteorite, that is meteoric stone that much contains calcium and magnesium.
2. Iron nickel meteorite, that is meteoric stone that contains iron (90%) and nickel (8%).
3. Toctitt, that is meteoric stone that contains kiesel acid (80%). This kind is found spreading from back India until Peru. The specific weight of Toctitt is about equal to the specific weight of the moon. So it appears assumption that toctitt comes from the Moon that is exploded by Moon’s volcanoes when there are still volcanic activities there.