Aspects of Geography, part 2
1. Physical Aspects => click here (aspects of geogaphy part.1)
2. Social Aspects
Social aspects of geography that can influence human life, for example are population, mobility of population, and the spread of population.
a. Population
One social aspect that influences human life is the number of population. Large potency of population can either support or hinder development.

(1) Productive aged population is a source of labor.
(2) Large population can be used as developmental manpower.
(3) High quality of manpower can be used as experts.
b. Mobility of Population
The social aspect of geography that corresponds to mobilization of population is urbanization. Urbanization influences urban and rural population. The phenomenon that we can see in urban regions as the effect of urbanization is the spread of slums and high criminality rate. Meanwhile, the phenomenon that arises in the rural areas is the decrease of agricultural productivity as the effect of losing young works.
c. The Spreading of Population
Winder effect of uniform spreading of population are as follows:
(1) Development is not evenly distributed.
(2) Utilization of natural resources is not optimum.
(3) Agricultural land decreases because it is used for housing.