The Member of Solar System, Part.1
The member of solar system consists of: Sun, planet, asteroid, comet, meteor and satellite.
1. Sun
The shape of the sun is a very big gas ball. Because it is very big, if it has shape of vessel can accommodate more than a billion of Earth planets. In our solar system, the sun roles as circulatory center of planets. To understand more, consider the following figure.
Sunlight is very dangerous for us. If we see directly, eventhough for several seconds, our eyes can be damage. The danger produced by the Sun does not come from its light, but from its heat, that is through experiment by using magnifying glass and cotton, then set that magnifying glass facing the Sun, center its light on paper or cotton in only a moment. You will see the paper or cotton is burnt.
We often think, how do astronomers learn the sun?
Astronomers in learning the Sun are helped by a device called spectroscope in their telescope. The spectroscope gives datum about the kinds of gaseous found in the Sun, and it is known that the Sun consists of Hydrogen and Helium.
Datum of the Sun:
a. the mass of the Sun = 332,448 times Earth’s mass.
b. Sun’s diameter = 1,391,000 km.
c. The distance of Sun-Earth = 150 billion km.
The Part of The Sun:
i. Core

ii. Photosphere
The part that appears like gold disk and it has temperature about 6000 Kelvin.
iii. Chromosphere
The radiation of light that around photosphere. This chromosphere can only be seen by using telescope.
iv. Corona
The most outer layer of the sun and around chromosphere. This layer only can be seen when the occurrence of solar eclipse, and it looks like a crown.
v. Prominences
Explossions that appear beside of the sun begin from photosphere’s surface.
vi. Sunspot
Dark spot that is found in the surface of photosphere.
vii. Flare
The part of the sun that has very luminous light and lies between sunspot.
Sun has two kinds of motion as follows:
a. Rotation revolving its axis, its period is 12,5 days for one rotation. The motion of rotation can be proved by the presence of black spots in the core that sometime lies to the right and about 2 weeks lies to the left.
b. It moves between the groups of stars. Besides making rotation, the sun moves between the group of the stars with its velocity 20 km per second. That movement is revolving the centre of galaxy.