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Minggu, 12 Desember 2010



In the discussion about meteor, we know three terms:
1. Meteoroid is a dense celestial body that flies irregularly and it has no fixed orbit.
2. Meteor is a meteoroid that enters into the Earth’s atmosphere.
3. Meteorite is a meteor that enters into Earth’s atmosphere in the form of rock and some of them have been broken.

Meteor is a very small cosmic body that is usually called dust, sand or sky grit. If those bodies if pass to close to the Earth and enter to the Earth’s atmospheric layer, it will rub against with the air layer so that body will be hot and burnt. Burning commonly does not happen for long time because the material of the cosmic body is not large. That’s why the light of meteor immediately turns off.

Although commonly the meteor has small size, but some meteors are large enough that are not burn at all during passing through the air and some part can reach the Earth. Some meteors have very large size called giant meteor such as one that fell in Siberia, United States, Russia, and in Arizona.

The kind of Meteoric stone (Meteorite):
1. Stony meteorite, that is meteoric stone that much contains calcium and magnesium.
2. Iron nickel meteorite, that is meteoric stone that contains iron (90%) and nickel (8%).
3. Toctitt, that is meteoric stone that contains kiesel acid (80%). This kind is found spreading from back India until Peru. The specific weight of Toctitt is about equal to the specific weight of the moon. So it appears assumption that toctitt comes from the Moon that is exploded by Moon’s volcanoes when there are still volcanic activities there.